Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Squad Building in X-wing P2 of 4.

          So now that we have our Faction selected it’s time to go into picking ships for our list.  A lot of people categorize ships differently. I know one of the more common is: Arc Dodgers, Turrets, Jousters. Early in the game I could even see those as being legitimate options. However, with all the new ships, the different upgrades, I don’t see this as applying as it used to. So I have my own set I’m going to use.

Fighters:  Usually faster small based ships who’s goal is to shoot and either not be shot at or minimize incoming fire with high maneuverability. Dials tend to favor fast speeds and lots of green colored maneuvers

Escorts: Typically, small based ships with decent all around stats. Able to take some fire while returning it. Making them much more likely to survive an engagement 1v1. Not great at avoiding attacks but also not quite a command ship or bomber. A very general and capable fighter that doesn’t have enough upgrade capabilities  to fit into another role. Dials tend to be pretty basic, some slower greens but also lacking the ability to turn sharply without stress. 

Bombers: Don’t let the name fool you, bombers are not just bomb carrying ships. Ships in this category tend to be higher health, and usually have some type of ordinance, cannons. or turrets, to them upping their potential. Slow and not very agile by the standards of their counterparts, both in their dial and their agility stats. 

Command: Command ships are primarily crew carrying or support ships in General. They may have capabilities which make them effective in another role, but first and fore most is to support or command for the other ships in your list. Dials here can be pretty simple and straight forward some can even just stop for a turn. 

Generalist: Ships that have a bit of everything going on but not really mastering any of it. They can be outfitted to fit a role and do it well but by themselves are not overly impressive. 

So back to our Factions. Where do the ships fall into each category? Now I will not do a ship by Ship Synopsis, but I will take care to break out the Categories, and you will also start to see the trends. If you feel a ship should be appearing in multiple categories it’s because they can be be adjusted to a specific role with certain upgrades. 


Fighters:  TIE Fighter, TIE Intercepter, TIE Advanced Prototype, TIE Phantom, TIE Striker, 

Escorts: TIE Defender, TIE Aggressor, TIE Advanced,

Bombers: TIE Bomber, TIE Punisher, Alpha Class Star-wing

Command: Lambda Class Shuttle, Decimator, Tie Bomber (Shuttle Variant)

Generalist: Firespray -31

Fighters:  A-wing, E-Wing, TIE Fighter

Escorts:  X-wing, Z-95, YT-1300, YT-2400, Auzituk Gunship, ARC-170 

Bombers: Y-Wing, B-wing 

Command: HWK-290, VXC-100, U-wing, Sheathipede Shuttle, Attack Shuttle, 

Generalist: K-Wing, Scurrg bomber, 

Scum and Villainy: 

Fighters:  M3-A Interceptor, Protectorate Starfighter, Star Viper

Escorts: Aggressor, G-1A Starfighter, Jumpmaster 5000, Kihrazx Fighter, Z-95, M12-L Kimoglia Fighter

Bombers: QuadJumper, Y-wing,

Command: HWK-290, YV-666

Generalist: Firespray -31, Lancer-Class Pursuit Craft, Scurrg Bomber


Fighters: TIE Fighter (F/O), TIE Special Forces, TIE Silencer

Command: Upsilon Class Shuttle


Escorts:  X-wing T-70

Bombers: Resistance Bomber 

So I again encourage you to look over the list think about where things fall and what you might be looking to build into. Next time I’ll start to actually pick out the ships, the pilots, the upgrades and delve into the final part of list building and putting it all together and getting ready for it to be put onto a mat. 

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