Sunday, January 29, 2017

For a Good Cause

  I will premise today's Blog with a few notes about todays events, prior to the usual Jackal Squadron style report. One of our local players is due to have a heart procedure in a few short weeks. Today was about raising funds for him and having fun. We all had a lot of fun, and for a small group of guys and gals we were able to raise a decent amount to help our friend. To quote our event Director, "I couldn't be more proud of our local gaming community." It just goes to show, no matter what it is you enjoy about a game, it can bring us together to enjoy the camaraderie, and when in need pull us together to ensure were able to keep playing and enjoying together. Thanks to our local store "First Turn Games", and everyone who did things to support todays Events. 

Back to our regularly scheduled Reports:

     Today was supposed to be a humanitarian mission for other members of the Imperial Navy. For us our orders were a bit different. We were on reconnaissance and capture missions. I wasn't about to send ace forces for something like this, we will not show our hand to any potential spies who might lie in wait to weaken us. Instead I contacted a local Bounty Hunter. One who specialized in Ion technology, and capture techniques.  We sent Duchess and Black Squadron Scout to act as wingmen for this specialist.
The Hired Bounty Hunter

Duchess and her Scout Wingmate

Of course even when doing humanitarian work, we have Rebel scum attempt to take cheap shots at us. A YT-2400 freighter and an ARC-170. We are still not sure where they have recovered those old relics but orders were issued to capture it this time and we will get information from them. The freighter just needed to be taken out and promptly before it could become too much of a menace. 
Another ARC-170? They are truly getting desperate. 
Our Bounty Hunter did his job masterfully. Worth every credit we paid him. He began by helping our Strikers bring the freighter down. An initial volley of Ion Pulse Missiles disabled the freighter allowing the strikers to close in. Then swooping in front of the freighter ready to unload an Ion bomb should it be called for. Duchess and her wing mate did their job efficiently destroying the freighter.

Freighter in lockdown and Strikers closing in. 
Bounty Hunter/Strikers 1 - Freighter 0

    The squad moved well as a group to turn back into the sector and locate the ARC-170. Upon doing so the Bounty Hunter went to work. The Strikers ran interference and drew the fire of the ARC-170. The poor unaware fool became prey to the Bounty Hunter. As the Bounty Hunter turned his Ion Cannon on the ARC-170 keeping it de-powered all the way back to an awaiting star destroyer. We will pay our Bounty Hunter his rewards, and the ARC-170 pilot and gunner will be interrogated heavily to learn about where the Rebels have acquired those ships.


Sunday, January 22, 2017

What about your ARC?

 Howlrunner, Quickdraw and Wampa were escorting the Emperor's shuttle on his way back to Coruscant after his visit to our sector. When at the edge of our Sector we see Rebels flying a relic of an ARC-170 escorted with a pair of the A-wing interceptor craft.

Beware Dinosaur Crossing?

Quickly our TIE's Engaged the enemy. Putting the ARC into a position where it was going to be out maneuvered and out gunned. The A-wings would be required to make desperate options if they thought they would have any chance of surviving between the TIE's and the Emperors Shuttle. 

Tight quarters Fighting.

The squad's leader Howlrunner quickly ordered the squad to loop around and engage further. The damaged ARC and A-wings were in desperate constraints and would not last much longer. Oh how Howlrunner's gambit worked creating optimal firing positions for the escort. 

Oh this could be bad for the Rebels!
Finally the lead A-wing succumbed to fire quickly followed by the ARC-170. The final A-wing made a desperate run to flee, but was tracked down by the Escort. No longer would these Rebels dare to challenge the Empire again. Perhaps more Rebels should take heed of this.


Monday, January 16, 2017

Bombs Away?!

Those smuggling lines are still active even after the display put on by Lord Vader. Rather than continue to send fighters out to deal with this issue we have launched TIE Punishers and Bombers. Mostly effective it was a bit of time and lots of mines and torpedoes to completely, shut the supply lines down. Those smuggling freighters were either obliterated or severely damaged and will not be coming through again for some time. Perhaps we can get some rest. Doubtful but one can hope.

Bomber lead TIE Punisher Wingmen. 

Vader takes command!

Imagine our shock when out of hyperspace we see Lord Vader's personal TIE Advanced. He wanted news on the Situation regarding several smuggling ships being reported in sector 425.11B, just on the outskirts of our TIE's flight zones.  Knowing our inventory, he surprised us all demanding a pair of TIE/D Defenders with Ion Cannons to come with him. He would see to this supply line nonsense himself.
Come with me now. 

The pair of delta's quickly joined Lord Vader and they very quickly found multiple YT-1300 class freighters in the sector. Failure to respond to Lord Vader's hails they engaged the freighters.
Apparently they were actually bold enough to shoot at Lord Vader. However, the TIE/D's ion cannons disabled the lead freighter, allowing Vader to get the destroying blows.

Freighters located
Shortly after the first freighter goes down. A bit of maneuvering gets Vader and the Defenders on the tail of the second smuggler. It's academic from there. Victory belongs to Vader.
1 Down, 1 left this should be quick my lord.

Swarming in

Quickdraw was sent out with a pair of green Academy wingmen to teach them the limits of their patrol sectors. Meanwhile, Wampa, and Chaser accompanied a promising Cadet on a separate patrol. Routine really, well as routine as things get in this sector.
Left to right: Wampa, Academy Pilot, Chaser..... Academy Pilot, Quickdraw and Academy Pilot

Then Quickdraw spots trouble. A Rebel freighter with a lone X-wing escort. Obviously trying to smuggle supplies while staying as incognito as possible. Quickdraw took his men strait to his prey, and alerted the other squadron to flank and increase their numbers.  The Tactic was brilliant, the X-wing was not prepared to face a small swarm of TIEs. If I may be so bold as to quote Lord Vader. "We have them now."

Rebels engaged take them out.

The X-wing was easy prey for our superior numbers, though the Freighter was a bit more of a challenge. Chaser and Quick Draw's wingmen did go down in their efforts. The YT-1300 finally did go down. A rather pleasing report to draw up to Lord Vader.


One of our squads became missing in Sector 425.21 A. Last reports we had from them was there was reports of a Jumpmaster 5000 and a Possible light freighter. Neither belonged there and they were going to investigate. When the squad did not return or answer further radio calls a second squad was sent to investigate.
Sir we have Rebel Ships in Sight..

Our second leader reported back Rebel Activity in the sector. Then they radioed back worse news. Dengar, confirming the reports of the Jumpmaster previously seen and no sign of a Freighter. Denar, a man both wanted and occasionally hired by the Empire. Orders were simples destroy the rebels and attempt to capture Dengar if able and bring in for questioning. Apparently the Rebels also had something against Dengar opting to chase him down before attempting to tangle with the TIE squadron sent.

Dengar and Rebels both present. 

There was a rebel A-wing which was dispatched early on. The Special Forces TIE leading the flight took care of the X-wing while his wingmen took sights onto Dengar. Dengar seeing he was out flanked and already suffering some heavy damage fled as Scum usually does. An unfortunate turn of events but perhaps that will teach him and those rebels not to challenge the Empire's Rule.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Training Maneuvers

So the Emperor took interest in our little parlay. Took it upon himself to grab QuickDraw and Rexlar Brath and put them into a training session against some Hired Guns to practice. Manaroo, Palob  Godalhi, and Fenn Rau.
"Hired Help"

QuickDraw and Rexlar moved early to intercept. Allowing the Emperor's shuttle to glide and observe. Mistakes by Rexlar and QuickDraw overestimating their skills brought a short end to Rexlar's day. Leaving Quickdraw to deal with the abhorrent trio himself. Deal with them he did. Finishing of Palob as his gunner took sights onto Manaroo. QuickDraw succumbed to Manaroo and Fenn Rau though nearly destroying both in his efforts. 

"Too many to handle but QuickDraw is in a solid position"

The poor showing nearly cost us dearly. However, the Emperor required training to continue. A reset and some different tactics began to show we are truly a force in this sector. Palob was an early and dead target.  With his kind of nuisance gone we were free to work the others down.

On the Attack ready to close in. 

Manaroo and Rau went after the Emperors Shuttle, though Quickdraw and Rexlar were able to counter their maneuvers, and even the shuttle showed ingenuity turning into Rau forcing a bad position for the ace that would inevitably cause him to run away.  Overall successful, if for nothing but some learned lessons and a chance to continue our efforts.

Wait! Where does he think he's going?

Monday, January 9, 2017

Strength lies in....

So when Theory crafting for X-wing there is a very delicate decision to be made. Strength in your Pilots Skill (PS) or just pure numbers. It's rare you can find a balance of both mini swarms and an Ace is doable but takes considerable time to master. Big ships you say, another animal altogether.

So where do you go? Early on Aces are tempting bit more forgiving and generally can be stronger. Your not watching as much on the field, which helps and for those of us who fly for the Empire, it's easy to practice the art of Arc Dodging. The down side of this beautiful strategy, not very forgiving, errors can glare at you as you take your ace off the field because he's been shot down.

Swarms on the other hand are lots of fun, create organized chaos, and mistakes can be minimized through sheer numbers. Early it's tough you get shot at first usually, you will cause yourself to be blocked and not get where you want, let alone where your opponent wants.  You can get in the same occasional lower Ace in the mid as support, just don't get discouraged when he's the first to go down. Plan for it actually and sometimes you catch your opponent unaware of the box he put himself into. Trading a small Ace in a swarm for a Big Ace in an Aces list can be satisfying.

Big ships, oh where to begin? Expensive, tough, brutal, and oftentimes its Feast or Famine.  Big ships are targets, and even lower PS larger ships will cost you a good 1/3 of a list without upgrades. Aces can be 1/2 of a list or more once you load them out making it hard to get them help. They fly differently so if your going to fly then stick with it the first few times out you WILL hit debris.

Best advice see what your ships do, see what abilities you're comfortable with, and drill your squads (Practice).  Learn the ships you fly and what makes them effective then pair them up accordingly.

Enter the Jackals

     So Jackal squadron is the name of my Star Wars X-wing Miniatures game Imperial fleet. If you ever see me flying Rebel or the Hired Guns, it's likely a Special Event, a Dare, or I'm learning strategically what ships can do. This little corner will have squad builds, game recaps, and the occasional story from the perspective of the Imperial Raider Blackout and the Jackal Squadron pilots who are assigned to do the Empire's bidding.

So for the Tens reading enjoy... and beware the Jackals are coming.

Networks in the Empire.

So sometimes even the Empire needs to know what's going on. Keep track of other Star Wars X-wing blogs from the area here:

Porkin's Lounge